What Has REALLY Helped Me. Ma Remedies

If i can offer any hot tips for anyone who has just had a spinal injury, serious accident or injury!

These are the must do’s!!!!

With my recovery Ive found the best advice Ive had has come from those who have been there and lived it, not doctors or specialists, though they are amazing!.



The earlier you get into acupuncture after your injury the better, its almost mandatory. If you have suffered a spinal injury or any injury, or know someone who has, and you take one thing away from my blog, please let acupuncture be it!!!! They are able to wake up nerves that are tangled, confused or asleep with the needles and also calm them down reducing nerve pain, the earlier you remind the nerves their job and give them a little jiggle to reconnect the lost signal paths, the more chance you have of areas recovering.

Needles in the Stomach to help heal my foot.

I know I dont have a very scientific way of explaining things, using the word jiggle and all ahahaha but you get what i mean hopefully!

For eg, I have absolutely no feeling in my right foot to touch, the sensory nerves are “sleeping” I dont like to use the word damaged. However when i get acupuncture, all of a sudden i get a buzz of pins and needles in this foot and Im able to feel it slightly. The needles help wake up the connection from the brain through the spinal cord and to the foot.

I also used to get severe nerve pain, 5/7 nights a week, acupuncture has helped hugely with this.

I go to James Lui at Wodonga Chinese Medicine. He is the bomb diggity, really knows his shit.http://www.wodongacmc.com.au/cms/





Natural oils have really helped me, you can by any as long as thier 100% pure natural oil, I get mine from the health food store, they are Australian made 😉 you bloody beauty mate. If you go online, and type in say…essential oil to help with, digestion, libido, back pain…etc,, you can usually find what your looking for!

I had digestion problems at the beginning but by rubbing peppermint oil and fennel oil onto my stomach when I woke up and went to sleep it solved all my problems.

I also used to have night traumas from the fall, and by rubbing lavender oil into my temples it would help me fall asleep.

Cypress oil is really great for my scar, it helps make the skin more elastic.

Fennel oil is also great for nausea.

MY absolute Fav is Frankincense, a drop under the tongue fixes a sore throat but its all round fab for everything, I wear it as a perfume oil. Love it! Plus its a great all rounder oil

Ylang Ylang is really great for a bit of sass and a confidence booster 😉

The list goes on, check them out though, natural oils have been around for years, just make sure the ones you use say 100% pure.

Guys check out Doterra oils as well, they arent cheap but they are fab, i was gifted “past tense” by a beautiful lady Bec Myers, and it really helped alleviate pain, beyond compare.

I really cannot speak highly enough about these oils! honestly!

ALSO GET A DEFUSER for your oils, so you can inhale them too, I LOVE Mine and breathing the oils in helps too.


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Check Becs page above. Sooo good.

Coconut Oil/ Apple Cider Vinegar/ Grapefruit/ Magnesium powder / Peppermint tea! Lemon water.

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Coconut oil has really helped my scars heal well! i just rub it straight on there! woo!

Apple cider vinegar, Mixed with warm lemon water every morning

a swig (gnarly) or before meals reeeaallyy helps digestion and weight loss. Make sure the apple cider has the “mother” in it, or it wont do the job.

Also grapefruit before a meal, the acid in the grapefruit helps break down you’re meal, again great for digestion if you’ve struggled like me with a spinal injury to the lower back, or just in general.

Peppermint tea: Really helps your digestion too

Magnesium, magnesium powder has helped me loads, especially for achy joints and over worked muscle and again digestion.

Every time i get a massage I also use a cream called Magna-eze, again a natural oil but lordy loo it helps.


This is the website you can purchase it from above.

The Limbo Water Boot!


This bad boy has meant i can swim laps as part of my rehab, as Im not allowed to get my foot wet until surgery. Best $50 i ever spent! You can literally dive right under with this one! It suctions onto you leg once it hits the water!




My first class back at yoga after 1 whole year january2017


Yin Yoga everyday, and Im back in the splitz yaahhoooo
My Beautifulll Yoga Instructor Margot

I started when I was in the wheel chair, just arm movements, and basic stretches. Id just sit there and swing my arms around haha.

Anything to get the energy flowing around your body and the atoms vibrating, it wakes everything up, its ridiculous how quickly i began to improve after begging yoga, having to stretch my legs out was a chore as my hamstrings had tightened up after being in the wheel chair for so long. I couldnt even stand up off the round thats how tight they were. Yoga straightened them right out! Ever so slowly.

I had to rebuild muscle that took 24 yrs to build!!!! Yoga helped with this when I was too weak to do anything else/couldnt move my legs

Margot Smith is beautiful, oh how i adore her, she works at Orana Wodonga,



She specializes in DRU, which id recommend for those just getting out of a wheelchair, its quite slow paced, and real meditative, i now do YIN yoga as i cant weight bear, its great for beginners and is a whole lot of deep stretching.



I get my cupping done at Majik Hands with Nic Harrison, highly recommend her, she is so intuitive and knows the exact spots to look after almost by glancing at you. The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and sedate the nervous system (which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure) It really helped with my nerve pain. https://www.facebook.com/Majikhans/

CHOOSE you’re medications carefully.

I could go on for days about this, if you want any hot tips on what to stay clear from or whats really helped me, Private message me, so I can give you the whys and why nots. so happy to chat.



I see a holistic counselor, Marissa Clarkson. At Orana.

Orana The center itself is absolutely wonderfully.



Marissa is AMAZING, shes more about meditation not medication. Id been to counselors, psychologists etc in the past but would attend one session and never return, I never fully gelled with the ones id seen in the past or the way in which they carried out the sessions until I met Marissa. I guess that’s like with people in life though isnt it, you dont gell with everyone, keep looking till you find a personality that you adore or feel you gell with. Just because you attend one session and it doesnt work for you, doesnt mean “talking about it” is not the answer.


Marissa’s beautiful room. So inviting.

Even on days when nothing seemed to be getting me down, I found it so healthy seeing Marrisa, to just slow down, to just check myself, align, anchor and practice mindfulness. Its okay to be having a bad day, its.okay. I had two months of them, I began to learn the tools to committing to make tomorrow better, trust me please on the talking about it. Chat to me, i love a good chinwag.  xxxxxx Ive elaborated further on this in another post, “This Too Shall Pass” check it 🙂


Meditate and Visualize.

From the day of my accident, to this very day I visualized my self walking again, every single day, morning and night, I was not accepting never walking again. Man i can not tell you how powerful this has been for me and helpful! Its almost like a magic you have inside of yourself, the things you can manifest up!  The power of the mind is so incredible. Ive elaborated further on this in another post, “This Too Shall Pass” check it 🙂




Oh my gosh! These things are absolutely fab and i can not understand why there are not more about!!!!!!!!! so great if you have a broken foot!

TRENDY! Catch me if yo can boys 😂
Sick of not being able to carry your morning coffee because your on crutches!? This.is.for.u! The KNEE SCOOTER!
I felt like a dweeb/concious with it at first, cause u get the odd look, but after a yr on crutches, u can actually get things done on these babies woohoooooo! Freedom. Highly recommend! Xo


Reiki Treatments.


I go to Sam who is also at Orana. Sam too is amazing, she does a lot of work with crystals and will listen to exactly what your body needs at the time. The first time I left her I left and was in a complete meditative state for a least 2 hours, it was beautiful. we need to give our bodies love, they work hard for us. Sam defiantly gives the body and soul some love.


Sam’s beautiful room.


Deep Tissue Massage.

I got to Greg Hewitt in Lavington, he is really great guys if you are looking to get out any sore spots. I have to go to him twice a week, but hes totally worth it, not so much relaxing haha but I alwayssss leave feeling lighter so much lighter and even!

Flax seed Oil and Hair Tonic.

When I was first in Hospital, My body was under a lot of trauma and stress, plus I was taking a bunch of really really strong medications and my hair began to fall out, in huge chunck’s at a time, I had to cut it all off.

The below hair tonic is great, make sure you purchase one with Phytofol in it, thats the tip!

These two things helped it grow back in better condition than it was before it feel out would you believe it haha.

Healthy Origins, Organic Flax Oil, Ultra Omega, 16 fl oz (473 ml)

Chia Seeds, Flax seeds, Hemp seeds, Psyllium Husks.


Ill eat these all mixed with oats and manuka honey and raspberries. Each hold so many health benefits and again aid with digestions for any one who suffers IBC or sluggish bowls.


Lemongrass Oil

OMG an amazzinnggg all natural oil for muscle aches and pains, my sister bought this back from Cambodia for me, but you can purchase it from health food stores here too.


For anyone who has suffered a spinal injury, Ive also had further operations on my feet, legs and internal muscles eg bladder, I got BO-TOX on my bladder. All operations have helped significantly, and restored my health, Im so happy to share these with you and where they were done if you get in contact with me 🙂



Again like I always say I’m no Health specialist, yet, but all the above have really really helped me!





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